Online Performance Analysis & Tips
Take your game to the next level, and do it on your time! APT has partnered with OnlineSkillsCoach to bring you the very best in video motion analysis. Register for your complimentary Game Improvement Center to get started. Then simply send us your videos, select your coach, and have our coaches begin helping you out today! Receive APT testing and instruction from our expanding roster of coaches – anywhere and anytime!
Utilizing eCoachPro technology, you can now have your performance video analyzed by APT coaches even halfway accross the world! The eCoach Pro platform allows us to be able to provide athletes with detailed video, onscreen graphics, voice and text overlay instructions all from the APT coach you choose. Side-by-side comparative analysis, and even more are available when utilizing the world’s easiest to use Advanced Motion Analysis Software with Connect-to-Coach Technology built right in.
Karl Frank – Sports Biomechanist and developer of the Speedology System.
As one of the leading experts in human performance and sports biomechanics, Karl Frank has helped athletes at all levels improve their speed, agility, reactive times, and overall performance for many years. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from SLU with a Masters in Kinesiology and a focus on Sports Biomechanics and Human Performance. With research assistantships at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland and at LSU, Karl has had the privilege of studying under and working with some of the top scientists in the fields of Human Performance and Human Behavior. Karl has applied this experience in work with leading universities around the country. Now you can have this elite level of scientific knowledge work to help you improve.
Utilizing eCoachPro technology, you can now have your performance video analyzed by APT coaches even halfway accross the world! The eCoach Pro platform allows us to be able to provide athletes with detailed video, onscreen graphics, voice and text overlay instructions all from the APT coach you choose. Side-by-side comparative analysis, and even more are available when utilizing the world’s easiest to use Advanced Motion Analysis Software with Connect-to-Coach Technology built right in.

APT Coaching Staff
Coach Tommy Moffitt – Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the LSU Tigers.
Considered by many in college football to be one of the nation's premier strength and conditioning coaches, Tommy Moffitt enters his 13th season at LSU after coming to the Tiger staff from the University of Miami. In 12 years with the Tigers from 2000-10, Moffitt help strength train and condition an LSU football team that won 123 games during the 12-year period. It was Moffitt's offseason program that helped pave the way to national titles in 2003 and 2007 for the Tigers. Moffitt was named the 2003 College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year by America Football Monthly. Moffitt has been part of national championship football teams at LSU (twice), Miami and Tennessee. Moffitt was appointed LSU's Strength and Conditioning Coordinator on Jan. 10, 2000. In February 2000, Moffitt was named the 1999 Collegiate Football Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year by the Professional Football Strength and Conditioning Coaches Society. In 12 years with the Tigers, Moffitt has developed LSU into one of the most durable teams around by combining a program that focuses on both strength and speed. Moffitt has also incorporated yoga and karate routines in the Tigers' offseason program, which increases the player's flexibility, while forcing the team to stay focused for a lengthy period of time.

Karl Frank – Sports Biomechanist and developer of the Speedology System.
As one of the leading experts in human performance and sports biomechanics, Karl Frank has helped athletes at all levels improve their speed, agility, reactive times, and overall performance for many years. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from SLU with a Masters in Kinesiology and a focus on Sports Biomechanics and Human Performance. With research assistantships at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland and at LSU, Karl has had the privilege of studying under and working with some of the top scientists in the fields of Human Performance and Human Behavior. Karl has applied this experience in work with leading universities around the country. Now you can have this elite level of scientific knowledge work to help you improve.
National Coaching Staff
Coming Soon! Get evaluations by top coaches and pros from accross the country!
Training Videos / Tips & Drills
Check out the best Tips and Drill Videos from Tommy Moffitt, Karl Frank, and other APT Coaches over in the Video Vault. Find just what you need to reach and stay at your peak!
APT Video Vault
Event Videos
At all APT Events participants will be offered the opportunity to purchase video files of their performance in specific drills. Videos will be labeled with the athlete’s name and will include split times and final time for the selected drills. These videos can be uploaded to the APT Game Improvement Center for those athletes wishing to have their performance analyzed online by our team of experts.