The jumping and reactive skills needed by volleyball players can be enhanced by the testing and training protocols offered by APT. The versatility of the testing component allows the player to test different variations of similar skill sets, which results in very specific drills to develop the subtle differences in performance. Some examples are:

Vertical Jump: The standard measure of jumping ability.

Approach Jump: A measure of jumping ability relevant to the approach and spike skill set.

Shuffle Jump: Combining the reactive movement to a visual stimulus with the vertical block jump after reaction.

Quick Jump Drill: Measures the number and height of jumps in a set period of time, including both contact time and flight time.

Dig Reactive Drill: Measures the reactive time of a defensive player to arrive at a point in dig position.

VIDEO OPTION: At all APT Events participants will be offered the opportunity to purchase video files of their performance in specific drills. Videos will be labeled with the athlete’s name and will include split times and final times for the selected drills. These videos can be uploaded to the APT Game Improvement Center for those athletes wishing to have their performance analyzed online by our team of experts.
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Real time results - Every session with the APT System is measured and timed automatically, giving coaches instant performance indicators and the power to motivate.
UNMATCHED ACCURACY - State of the art equipment measures speed and reactive times to within .001 seconds, surpassing the .25 second margin of error in hand timing.
More than just speed testing - Technology offers not only performance testing, but provides coaches with training protocols designed to improve speed, reactive and cognitive abilities, and overall athlete performance.
Time Saving - Reduces testing and data processing times by 70% - enables APT to test over 100 athletes in slightly over one hour.
No need to for coaches to write down results - Each athlete’s data is saved for all drills and repetitions and coaches are provided with a spread sheet of all results.
Error correction processing - Eliminates hand breaks and false starts - demonstrated by independent institute research to have unmatched measurement reliability.
Motivates athletes - Testing environment shows athletes the benefits of giving 110% effort - even in practice.
Recruiting benefits - Unparalleled testing accuracy provides verifiable data that college and professional coaches and scouts are looking for.